- Pidato bertujuan menyampaikan suatu pendapat atau pandangan tentang suatu hal kepada banyak orang. Ada banyak tema yang sering diangkat dalam pidato. Pesan yang disampaikan saat pidato tentunya banyak dari mulai terkait pendidikan, ekonomi, hingga isu-isu terkini. Pidato juga bertujuan untuk membangun sesuatu yang positif, seperti memberikan arahan yang baik kepada para penonton. Berbagai macam contoh teks pidato bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan untuk latihan berpidato. Inilah beberapa contoh pidato bahasa Inggris singkat tentang yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi.

1. Example of a Speech Text in English about Health / Contoh Teks Pidato Berbahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan.

pidato © 2022


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a pleasure for me to be here tonight and address such a great audience. The issue I would like to bring up threatens the prosperity and welfare of the whole nation, however, the majority of the population tends to ignore it and pretend as if it is not a problem at all.
Namely, I would like to talk about the risks of obesity.

Obviously, the complaints and disappointment may hardly improve the recent state of affairs. Subsequently, I believe that the awareness and personal determination to change the trend are the first steps towards the overall success.
Some of you would definitely argue that it is an entirely personal responsibility or, at most, the responsibility of the Department of Health. Let me disagree and explain the essence of obesity.
In particular, reducing the time and money being spent on meals has become a generally accepted trend which, however, may hardly bring the benefits to anyone except the fast-food companies’ bosses.
Therefore, we should agree that the recent economic model, which has made healthy eating a privilege of a few, is exceptionally harmful.

So, what can be done to change the pattern? First of all, there are two aspects of the campaign against the spread of obesity. Namely, the first one implies the efforts of the official institutions and includes informational campaigns conduction as well as providing the obese people with a proper treatment.
However, I would like to emphasise the importance of the other aspect which, I believe, implies a key meaning in terms of changing the negative statistics.
Namely, I would like to talk about the determination and responsibility of each of us who are neither medical officials nor the obesity victims. In particular, each of us has a friend or colleague who is suffering from obesity.
There are also people, like our children, to whom our behaviour may serve as a model to follow. We are responsible for those people and should put our best efforts to raise their awareness and convince them that it is better to lose some extra half-an-hour but keep our health and welfare safe.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me once again thank you for your patience. Being aware and responsible, we are capable of overcoming the threats of obesity spread. Thank you!”
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.




2. Example of an English Speech About the Opening of a Seminar/Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Pembukaan Seminar.

pidato © 2022


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Greetings to one and all.
It gives me immense warmth and great pleasure to grace all of your presence in the interest of the entire committee.
It gives me tremendous pleasure to be presenting the welcome speech amongst the most esteemed personalities who have won accolades in their respective fields.

Before we begin this seminar, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have sincerely committed to this event to make it a success.
This event would have been impossible without the support of each and everyone present here.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me once again thank you for your patience. Thank you!”
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

3. Example English Speech Text About Education/Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan.

pidato © 2022


Good morning,
on this happy occasion, I want to deliver a speech about education.
As we know, education plays an important role for the progress of a nation.
If the education of the people is left behind, then the population will experience difficulties in adapting and facing pressure from the outside world.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the government holds many programs to support the progress of education in Indonesia, one of which is by allocating large amounts of funds, so the dropout rate can be reduced and more students can get the right to education.
Actually, education can not only be obtained at school. Even outside of school we can use technology to access education.
Take advantage of an online platform that can be accessed for free to get free knowledge from various parts of the world, so that we can compete with the people out there.

Developing countries are also very concerned about the quality of the education of their people, so it is not surprising that the quality of campus abroad is quite good, even many Indonesians decide to gain knowledge out there.
Thus, we must learn to be able to catch up, especially if we have not yet had the opportunity to distribute education.

4. Example of English Speech Text About Bullying/Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Bullying.

pidato © 2022


Ladies and gentlemen,
bullying may seem like a small problem for some people. Most people may not realize that the damage caused by bullying can be so serious.
It can be as serious as “death” in extreme cases. If you think that bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it merely hurt “feelings” then I have to tell you that you are completely wrong.
This “merely hurt your feelings” thing can be the beginning of various worse scenarios such as physical assault, suicide, or any other kinds of violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.
As I said just now that bullying is not a serious problem for some people, just because we simply don’t see the damage. But the thing is, based on my experience as a teacher, I learned that the effect of bullying can stay undetected for years.
During this time, the effect of bullying keeps corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or they may also develop trauma which may result in self-withdrawal.
I believe that this is something that we don’t want to happen to our children. That is why we have to act right now to stop it, and I mean all of us with no exception.

5. Example of an English Speech About Independence/Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Kemerdekaan.

pidato © 2022


Assalamualaikum wr wb

ladies and gentlemen
Today, August 17, 2022 is a very historic day for the Indonesian people, because today we commemorate the independence day of our beloved country.
On this very historic day, I want to look back at the spirit of our country's young generation.
As the younger generation, we also need to remember the services of the heroes who have given independence to all of us with their hard work.
Therefore, we must protect the things that have been passed down by our previous heroes.
We should still maintain the good name of the country and the integrity of our country. Because without the help and services of the heroes, we will certainly still live under the occupation of other countries.
One way that we can do is by loving Indonesian-made products, because along with the development of this increasingly sophisticated era, the love for things that smells of Indonesia is fading and is more fond of foreign-made products.
That's just a small part of the example of young people whose spirit of nationalism is fading. It's okay to like the culture of other nations. As long as you always remember and also help preserve the culture of this country.
A few speeches from me and I apologize if there are word mistakes.

wassalamualaikum wr wb


6. Example English Speech Text About Hygiene/Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Kebersihan.

pidato © 2022


Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning fellow students whom I love and am proud of.
Today we gather together in order to create a cleaner and more comfortable campus environment for all of us.
Therefore, we as students also need to participate in making this happen, of course by doing community service activities which we will often do like today.
Moreover, our region is entering the rainy season which of course will be a lot of puddles of water which will be a source of disease if not prevented.

so let's start together from burying garbage that can cause puddles of water, and cleaning up places that are mosquito nests.
By maintaining cleanliness, we indirectly also maintain health and take care of the people we love.

Furthermore, my speech is also at the same time the opening of the community service event in our beloved campus environment. By reading the prayer, I opened the program this morning.
Thus my speech this morning, I apologize if there are many mistakes and shortcomings in my speech.

wassalamualaikum wr wb

7. Example of English Speech Text About Islam/Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Islam.

pidato © 2022


Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Good morning audience,
On this wonderful occasion, I am here to give a speech about Islam. Many still think that Islam is a religion about war, but actually Islam has very beautiful sides and we can apply it in our daily lives.
For example, Muslims live by referring to the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Messenger of Allah as a good role model has exemplified the noble character that must be applied by every Muslim.
Every Apostle’s habits have nothing to harm, so we must exemplify the habits and nature of the Prophet.
Our daily lives should not be far from Islamic values, from waking up to going to sleep again.
In fact, the procedure for going to the bathroom, wearing clothes, even drinking and eating was arranged.
It turns out that the beautiful value of Islam is not only regulated for individuals, but also in social life.
For example, in neighboring lives, we are obliged to maintain good relations.
In fact, if someone cooks and smells to a neighbor’s house, then we are asked to provide the food.
So, Islam does have beautiful values and it is only natural that we implement these values in everyday life and community life. So many speeches from me.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

8. Example of English Speech Text on Drugs/Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Narkoba.

pidato © 2022


Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, let us say thanks to Allah SWT because by His grace we can gather in this place in good health.
On this special occasion, allow me to say a few words about the importance of protecting yourself from the dangers of drugs.
With the rapid development of the times and our ease in accessing information through digital media and getting everything easily. Therefore, we also need to take advantage of these things properly and positively, especially with prohibited items such as drugs.
Currently, the form of drug trafficking is increasingly worrying. The main target of drug trafficking is no longer adults but children.
we as an educated generation also need to provide education for those closest to us regarding the dangers of drugs. So that the people we care about can be free from these forbidden objects.
Knowledge about the various types of drugs and their effects must also be conveyed to prevent the wider spread of drugs.

So many speeches about drugs that I can convey.
If there are mistakes in words and sentences when conveying, I apologize.

wassalamualaikum wr wb

9. Example English Speech Text About Mother's Day/Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Hari Ibu.

Kata-kata ucapan selamat hari ibu ©


Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentelments.
First of all, let us pray to Allah SWT for his mercy and guidance to all of us, so that on this bright day we can gather together in the framework of the art stage to celebrate Mother's Day.

December 22 is a day where we can remember the services and sacrifices of mothers all over Indonesia. There are many services that our mothers have done for all of us so that we can be born and grow into good people until now.

From preparing breakfast, bathing, to breastfeeding, but sometimes we neglect all of that to the point where we often unknowingly behave or say things that hurt a mother's heart.

If mother asks for help to buy something, we refuse and make excuses, whereas when we are sick, mother sincerely takes care of us.
Mother's sacrifice should be remembered every day and not only on Mother's Day.
Don't let our busyness overpower the attention of the mother who has worked so hard to care for and raise us.

Let's make the commemoration of mother's day as a day to restart devotion to mother and remember her services.

Maybe that's the only message I can convey in my speech this time, hopefully with this speech it can make us all aware that we always behave and speak good words to our mother.
There is a saying that says, "Love a mother all the time, Love a child all the way."

Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Magang: Muhammad Reza Ariski