Menguasai bahasa Inggris memang dibutuhkan kesabaran, jadi memang tidak mudah. Pasalnya kamu harus menguasai bentuk tense dan etika penulisan. Salah satunya, kalimat simple past tense. Jenis kalimat ini paling sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ketika membicarakan suatu kejadian di masa lalu.

Kalimat simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau. Ciri dari bentuk kalimat simple past tense menggunakan kata kerja bentuk ke-2 atau to be yang berupa was/were.

3 Bentuk kalimat serta rumus simple past tense.

- Positif.

Kalimat yang menunjukkan bentuk kalimat past tense yang paling basic. Berikut rumusnya:

Subject + verb 2 + object / Subject + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb

- Negatif.

Kalimat yang ini menunjukkan larangan atau memiliki unsur "tidak".Berikut rumusnya:

Subject + did not + infinitive verb + object / Subject + was/were + not + adjective/adverb

- Interogatif.

Untuk kalimat ini menunjukkan kalimat tanya. Berikut rumusnya:

Did + subject + infinitive verb + object? / Was/were + subject + adjective/adverb?

Nah, untuk lebih lanjut memahami contoh-contoh kalimat simple past tense, berikut ulasannya dihimpun dari berbagai sumber, Jumat (15/9).

Contoh kalimat simple past tense

Contoh kalimat simple past tense positif (+)

1. He sent a letter to this friends last sunday. (Dia mengirim sebuah surat kepada temannya minggu lalu)

2. Toro was here this morning. ( Toro ada di sini tadi pagi)

3. I ran through a lot of problem yesterday. (Aku terkena banyak masalah kemarin)

4. She kissed me on the cheek. (Dia menciumku di pipi)

5. It rained yesterday. (Kemarin hujan)

6. My mother cooked fried rice for my birthday party last month. (Ibu saya memasak nasi goreng untuk pesta ulang tahun saya bulan lalu)

7. I went Jogjakarta with my friends last week. (Saya pergi ke Jogjakarta bersama teman-teman saya minggu lalu)

8. Jemi made a birthday cake for you last night.(Jemi membuat kue ulang tahun untukmu tadi malam)

9. Laras watched TV all night.(Laras menonton TV semalam)

10. Romi came home late again this morning.(Romi pulang telat lagi pagi tadi)

11. Delon won the speech contest in his school two days ago. (Delon memenangkan kontes pidato di sekolahnya dua hari yang lalu)

12. I met your mother twenty years ago. (Aku bertemu ibumu dua tahun yang lalu)

13. I forgot my first word!. (Aku lupa kata pertamaku!)

14. They went to the beach last holiday without me. (Mereka pergi ke pantai liburan kemarin tanpaku)

15. You cleaned up the environment last night. (Kamu membersihkan lingkungan kemarin malam)

Contoh kalimat simple past tense negatif (-)

1. Karina did not get what she expected from the seminar last week. (Karina tidak mendapat apa yang dia harapkan dari seminar minggu lalu)

2. He did not come to school yesterday because he was sick. (Dia tidak datang ke sekolah kemarin karena dia sakit)

3. You did not pay the tax last year. (Kamu tidak membayar pajak tahun lalu)

4. I was not at home when he came last night. (Saya tidak berada di rumah ketika kamu datang tadi malam)

5. Tania did not buy a necklace when she went to the mall last night. (Tania tidak membeli kalung ketika ia pergi ke mall malam tadi)

6. Toro was not here this morning.(Toro tidak di sini tadi pagi)

7. Rudy wasn’t himself yesterday. (Rudy bukan dirinya sendiri semalam)

8. I didn’t want to go to the dentist. (Aku tidak mau pergi ke dokter gigi)

9. He didn’t come to my party. (Dia tidak datang ke pesta yang aku buat)

10. We didn't sleep well last night. (Kami tidak tidur nyenyak semalam)

11. You didn't close the door. (Kamu tidak menutup pintu)

12. She didn't have time. (Dia tidak punya cukup waktu)

13. He wasn’t tired and did not come to bed early. (Dia tidak begitu lelah, jadi ia tidak tidur awal)

14. They did not go to the beach last holiday without me. (Mereka tidak pergi ke pantai liburan kemarin tanpaku)

15. You did not clean up the environment last night. (Kamu tidak membersihkan lingkungan kemarin malam)

Contoh kalimat simple past tense interogatif (?)

1. Did Tania buy a necklace when she went to the mall last night? (Apakah Tania membeli kalung ketika ia pergi ke mall malam tadi?)

2. What did you buy last Sunday? (Apakah yang kamu beli Minggu lalu?)

3. Who broke my car? (Siapa yang merusak mobilku?)

4. Why did you not helping him yesterday? (Mengapa kamu tidak membantunya kemarin?)

5. Were you home last night? (Apakah kamu di rumah semalam?)

6. Was she fat? (Apakah dia dulu gemuk?)

7. Was Toro here this morning? (Apakah Toro ada di sini tadi pagi?)

8. What did you do yesterday? (Apa yang kamu lakukan kemarin?)

9. Hm, did I forget my first word?. (Hm, apakah aku lupa kata pertamaku?)

10. Where Did Doni go last week? (Kemana Doni pergi minggu lalu?)

11. Were you at Andi’s house yesterday? (Apakah kamu berada di rumah Andi kemarin?)

12. Why did we have to come? (Mengapa kita harus datang?)

13. Where Did Doni go last week? (Kemana Doni pergi minggu lalu?)

14. Did they go to the beach last holiday without me?. (Apakah mereka pergi ke pantai liburan kemarin tanpaku?)

15. Did you clean up the environment last night?. (Apakah kamu membersihkan lingkungan kemarin malam?)


Contoh kalimat simple past tense dalam aktivitas sehari-hari.

Contoh kalimat simple past tense dan penerapannya © 2023

Contoh kalimat simple past tense dan penerapannya

1. I was alone at home yesterday. (Saya sendirian di rumah kemarin)

2. We were friends, but not anymore. (Kita dulu teman, tapi sekarang tidak lagi)

3. She was pretty. (Dia dulu cantik)

4. He was at my house to help me with my task. (Dia tadi di rumah saya untuk membantu saya mengerjakan tugas)

5. She studied hard for the exam. (Dia belajar keras untuk ujian itu)

6. He played soccer with his friends last weekend. (Dia bermain sepak bola dengan teman-temannya akhir pekan lalu)

7. They went to the beach yesterday. (Mereka pergi ke pantai kemarin)

8. She sang a beautiful song in the concert. (Dia menyanyikan lagu yang indah di konser itu)

9. He wrote a letter to his girlfriend. (Dia menulis surat untuk pacarnya)

10. They cooked dinner together. (Mereka memasak makan malam bersama-sama)

11. She read a book before going to bed. (Dia membaca buku sebelum tidur)

12. He watched a movie with his family last night. (Dia menonton film dengan keluarganya tadi malam)

13. They visited their grandparents in the village. (Mereka mengunjungi kakek-nenek mereka di desa)

14. She cleaned her room this morning. (Dia membersihkan kamarnya pagi ini)

15. He painted a picture of his dog. (Dia melukis gambar anjingnya)

16. They danced at the party last night. (Mereka menari di pesta tadi malam)

17. She bought a new dress yesterday. (Dia membeli gaun baru kemarin)

18. He sold his old car to his friend. (Dia menjual mobil lamanya kepada temannya)

19. They borrowed some books from the library. (Mereka meminjam beberapa buku dari perpustakaan)

20. She returned the books to the library today. (Dia mengembalikan buku-buku ke perpustakaan hari ini)

21. He forgot his wallet at home. (Dia lupa dompetnya di rumah)

22. She remembered his birthday and gave him a gift. (Dia ingat ulang tahunnya dan memberinya hadiah)

23. They learned a new language in school. (Mereka belajar bahasa baru di sekolah)

24. She taught English to the children in the orphanage. (Dia mengajar bahasa Inggris kepada anak-anak di panti asuhan)

25. He broke his arm while playing basketball. (Dia patah lengan saat bermain basket)

26. She fixed her bike by herself. (Dia memperbaiki sepedanya sendiri)

27. They built a sandcastle on the beach. (Mereka membuat istana pasir di pantai)

28. She made a cake for her mother's birthday. (Dia membuat kue untuk ulang tahun ibunya)

29. He lost his keys and couldn't enter his house.(Dia kehilangan kuncinya dan tidak bisa masuk rumahnya)

30. She found her keys under the sofa.(Dia menemukan kuncinya di bawah sofa)

31. They met each other for the first time at the airport.(Mereka bertemu satu sama lain untuk pertama kalinya di bandara)

32. She left him a note on the table.(Dia meninggalkan catatan untuknya di meja)

33. He drove his car to work.(Dia mengemudikan mobilnya ke tempat kerja)

34. She rode her bike to school.(Dia mengendarai sepedanya ke sekolah)

35. They flew to Bali for their honeymoon.(Mereka terbang ke Bali untuk bulan madu mereka)

36. She swam in the pool with her friends.(Dia berenang di kolam dengan teman-temannya)

37. He ate a lot of pizza for lunch.(Dia makan banyak pizza untuk makan siang)

38. She drank a glass of milk before sleeping.(Dia minum segelas susu sebelum tidur)

39. They gave some money to the beggar.(Mereka memberi sedikit uang kepada pengemis)

40. She took a picture of the sunset.(Dia mengambil foto matahari terbenam)

Contoh kalimat simple past tense dan penerapannya © 2023

Contoh kalimat simple past tense dan penerapannya

41. He wore a blue shirt and black pants. (Dia memakai kemeja biru dan celana hitam)

42. She changed her clothes and took a shower. (Dia mengganti bajunya dan mandi)

43. They grew some vegetables in their backyard. (Mereka menanam beberapa sayuran di halaman belakang mereka)

44. She cut her hair short. (Dia memotong rambutnya pendek)

45. He shaved his beard and looked younger. (Dia mencukur jenggotnya dan terlihat lebih muda)

46. They threw a surprise party for their friend. (Mereka mengadakan pesta kejutan untuk teman mereka)

47. She caught a fish with a fishing rod. (Dia menangkap ikan dengan pancingan)

48. He brought some flowers for his girlfriend. (Dia membawa beberapa bunga untuk pacarnya)

49. They chose the red car over the blue one. (Mereka memilih mobil merah daripada yang biru)

50. She paid the bill with her credit card. (Dia membayar tagihan dengan kartu kreditnya)

51. He said he loved her. (Dia bilang dia mencintainya)

52. She asked him a question. (Dia bertanya padanya sebuah pertanyaan)

53. They answered the questions correctly. (Mereka menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dengan benar)

54. She thanked him for his help. (Dia berterima kasih padanya atas bantuannya)

55. He apologized for his mistake. (Dia minta maaf atas kesalahannya)

56. They agreed to work together. (Mereka setuju untuk bekerja sama)

57. She disagreed with his opinion. (Dia tidak setuju dengan pendapatnya)

58. He explained the problem to her.(Dia menjelaskan masalahnya padanya)

59. She understood what he meant.(Dia mengerti apa maksudnya)

60. He lied to her about his whereabouts.(Dia berbohong padanya tentang keberadaannya)

61. She trusted him despite his lies.(Dia mempercayainya meskipun dia berbohong)

62. They betrayed each other for their own interests.(Mereka saling mengkhianati demi kepentingan mereka sendiri)

63. She forgave him for what he did.(Dia memaafkannya atas apa yang dia lakukan)

64. He regretted his actions and wished he could change them.(Dia menyesali tindakannya dan berharap dia bisa mengubahnya)

65. They celebrated their anniversary at a fancy restaurant.(Mereka merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan mereka di restoran mewah)

66. She cried when she heard the bad news.(Dia menangis saat mendengar kabar buruk itu)

67. He laughed at her joke.(Dia tertawa mendengar leluconnya)

68. They smiled when they saw each other.(Mereka tersenyum saat melihat satu sama lain)

69. She dreamed of becoming a famous singer.(Dia bermimpi menjadi penyanyi terkenal)

70. She woke up early and prepared for school.(Dia bangun pagi dan bersiap-siap untuk sekolah)

71.He slept late and missed his class.(Dia tidur larut dan ketinggalan kelasnya)

72. They worked hard and achieved their goals.(Mereka bekerja keras dan mencapai tujuan mereka)

73. She quit her job and started her own business.(Dia berhenti dari pekerjaannya dan memulai bisnisnya sendiri)

74. He joined the army and served his country.(Dia bergabung dengan tentara dan mengabdi pada negaranya)

75. They traveled around the world and saw many places.(Mereka bepergian keliling dunia dan melihat banyak tempat)

76. She learned to play the piano and performed in a concert.(Dia belajar bermain piano dan tampil di sebuah konser)

77. He injured his leg and couldn't walk for a week.(Dia cidera kakinya dan tidak bisa berjalan selama seminggu)

78. They rescued a stray dog and adopted it as their pet.(Mereka menyelamatkan seekor anjing liar dan mengadopsinya sebagai hewan peliharaan mereka)

79. She donated some money to a charity organization.(Dia menyumbangkan sejumlah uang kepada sebuah organisasi amal)

80. He received a scholarship and studied abroad.(Dia mendapatkan beasiswa dan belajar di luar negeri)