- Dalam materi bahasa Inggris, maka tak asing dengan pronoun atau dalam arti Bahasa Indonesia adalah kata ganti. Seringnya kata ganti untuk menunjukkan subyek atau obyek tanpa harus mengulang penyebutan namanya.

Adanya pengulangan kata benda secara terus menerus, dan itu akan membuat ucapan dan tulisan berulang-ulang, sekaligus merepotkan. Penggunaan kata ganti dimaksudkan agar suatu kalimat disampaikan secara lebih efektif dan tidak bertele-tele.

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai pronoun, berikut ulasannya telah dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (29/9).

Pengertian Pronoun

Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti noun. Dalam hal ini, noun bisa jadi seseorang, suatu benda, tempat, bahkan tindakan atau gagasan. Yap, benda tersebut bisa jadi benda mati atau benda hidup.

Fungsi Pronoun

Fungsi utama dari pronoun adalah mencegah adanya pengulangan atau repetisi kata dalam suatu kalimat. Kenapa harus dicegah?Karena repetisi membuat kalimat yang ditulis jadi kurang efektif, guys. Selain dari fungsi utama, terdapat beberapa fungsi lain dari pronoun yang akan dijelaskan dengan detail di setiap jenisnya.

Jenis-jenis Pronoun

Secara umum, ada 9 jenis pronoun atau kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, reflexive pronoun dan intensive pronoun, interrogative pronoun, relative pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, dan reciprocal pronoun.




Contoh soal pronoun mudah dipelajari.

1. Danny is my best friend. I know ... so well.

a. Him
b. Her
c. Us
d. You
Jawaban: a

2. The mechanic is my sister. So don’t disturb ... .

a. Him
b. Hers
c. Her
d. He
Jawaban: c

3. My brother works in a big factory. ... says that ... is a nice place.

a. She, it
b. He, it
c. She, there
d. He, thee
Jawaban: b

4. I meet Raisa last night and .. signed ... t-shirt.

a. She, my
b. He, my
c. Her, my
d. His, mine
Jawaban: a

5. Please tell ... that ... will be late.

a. Her, I
b. Them, him
c. We, I
d. Him, her
Jawaban: a

6. I can’t understand ... when they speak Spain. They seem weird. They should study more.

a. Me
b. His
c. Her
d. Them
Jawaban: d

7. He should control ... words so that he wouldn’t say something bad.

a. Her
b. His
c. their
d. Our
Jawaban: b

8. Nana felt worried about the children, so she asked ... husband not to go abroad for the job.

a. His
b. Her
c. Their
d. Its
Jawaban: b

9. I need help to finish ... work. I am so busy these days. I am not feeling well now.

a. My
b. Me
c. Their
d. Mine
Jawaban: a

10. This building is so expensive for ... . We can’t pay such a high rent. We need to think again.

a. Them
b. Her
c. Us
d. Him
Jawaban: c

11. If you to see my family next weekend, give ... my best regards and don’t forget to bring the gifts.

a. Us
b. Them
c. Its
d. It
Jawaban: b

12. They ate many foods at my birthday party. I feel happy that like what I cooked.

a. Them
b. They
c. Me
d. I
Jawaban: b

13. What’s wrong with? You look pale. Are you sick?

a. She
b. Her
c. His
d. You
Jawaban: d

14. I can’t read the map. Would help me, please?

a. You
b. He
c. Me
d. My
Jawaban: a

15. They ate many foods at my birthday party. I feel happy that like what I cooked.

a. Them
b. They
c. He
d. I
Jawaban: b

16. Tony goes to school. ... rides his bike.

a. She
b. They
c. He
d. Him
Jawaban: c

17. Iam talking for the woman ... you're waiting about.

a. Who
b. That
c. Whom
d. Which
Jawaban: c

18. ... is a bag

a. Those
b. This
c. That
d. There
Jawaban: c

19. ... go to supermarket this morning.

a. I am
b. I
c. Them
d. He
Jawaban: b

20. He has a new phone ... phone is expenxive

a. His
b. Its
c. He
d. They
Jawaban: a

21. Kata ganti yang di gunakan untuk menunjuk benda dalam keadaan jamak adalah ...

a. These
b. That
c. This
d. It
Jawaban: a

Demikian sederet ulasan mengenai pronoun dan contoh soal beserta jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menambah pengetahuan lebih dalam lagi tentang penggunaan kata ganti atau pronoun dalam Bahasa Inggris.