Contoh soal latihan present tense.

1. She always ... to school at 7 A.M.
a. go
b. went
c. gone
d. goes

2. David and Herry ... together here.
a. usually study
b. usually studies
c. usually studys
d. usually studied

3. My mother and me always ... the flower every morning.
a. water
b. waters
c. watered
d. watering

4. Andy, the man who has many friends, ... my brother.
a. do
b. is
c. am
d. are

5. Nobody ... my name because I'm arrogant.
a. know
b. knows
c. known
d. knew

6. The school terms … next week according to the latest official announcement.
a. starts
b. will star
c. starting
d. will be starting

7. She ... in Yogyakarta.
a. working
b. has worked
c. worked
d. works

8. The train to Jakarta … at 19.50 this evening. present
a. leave
b. will leave
c. leaves
d. will be leaving

9. On 17th August, we always ... our independence day in city hall.
a. celebrate
b. celebrates
c. celebrating
d. do celebrate

10. We always ... on karaoke once a month.
a. sang
b. sings
c. sing
d. sung

11. Tiara ... her room once a week.
a. clean
b. to clean
c. cleaning
d. cleans

12. My brother and I ... mount Bromo this holiday.
a. hike
b. hiking
c. hikes
d. hiked

13. Does ... drink enough mineral water every day?
a. I
b. you
c. they
d. he

14. Teacher: Students, the earth ... around the sun almost 24 hours a day. Student: Wow, amazing.
a. is rotating
b. has rotated
c. rotates
d. will rotate

15. My sister’s cat …. My leg.
a. bite
b. bit
c. bites
d. bited

16. Q: When do yo do your job?
A: ...
a. I do my job at 10 AM
b. I am doing my job at 10 AM
c. I have did my job at 10m AM
d. I did my job at 10 AM

17. Rian ... his cat everyday.
a. to feed
b. feeds
c. feed
d. feeding

18. I ... dinner every day at 7 PM.
a. to eat
b. eating
c. eat
d. ate

19. Q: Does Mitha love her sister?
A: …
a. she love her sister
b. she loves her sister
c. she to love her sister
d. she is loving her sister

20. I and Lia ... ... together.
a. do sleeping
b. don’t sleeping
c. do sleeps
d. don’t sleep

21. The students ... not ... the assignment, so they got C.
a. does, finish
b. do, finished
c. do, finish
d. does, finishes

22. Do ... ... at least once a week?
a. you, exercise
b. you, exercises
c. they, exercises
d. we, exercises

23. I ... not ... peanuts because I am allergic.
a. does, eat
b. do, ate
c. do, eat
d. do, eaten

24. Does ... ... math for the test?
a. she, study
b. she, studied
c. he, studies
d. he, studied

25. When ... they ... come to school?
a. do, came
b. do, come
c. do, coming
d. does, come

26. Q: Do you like to dance?
A: …
a. yes, I like to dance
b. yes, I likes to dance
c. no, I don’t likes to dance
d. no, I doesn’t like to dance

27. The girl always ... the cooking class on weekends. (join)

28. Jenifer ... the dishes in the afternoon. (wash)

29. Yosua ... to the robotic course every Monday. (go)

30. Gabriel ... early in the morning. (study)

31. A cat ... trees easily. (climb)