Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 essay.

If today is Tuesday, so:

13. Two day after this day is ... (Jawaban: Thursday)
14. Two day before this day is ... (Jawaban: Sunday)
15. Tomorrow is ... (Jawaban: Wednesday)
16. Yesterday is ... (Jawaban: Monday)

What time is it?

17. 04.12: ... (Jawaban: It's four past twelve)
18. 03.30: ... (Jawaban: It's half past three)
19. 06.45: ... (Jawaban: It's a quarter to seven)
20. 10.15: ... (Jawaban: It's a quarter past ten)

Choose the appropriate expression based on the conditions

21. When someone help you or give you something, you will say ... (Jawaban: Thank you)
22. When you will go and leave your friend, you will say ... (Jawaban: Good bye)
23. When you just meet new people, you will say ... (Jawaban: Hi, Hello, Hey, etc)
24. When you do something wrong, you will say ... (Jawaban: Sorry)

25. This thing is usually found in the bedroom. It is a long narrow pillow or cushion filled with cutton, down or fibre. It is called ... (Jawaban: Bolster)