Contoh kata keterangan suasana dalam bahasa Inggris

Contoh kata keterangan suasana dalam bahasa Inggris © 2023


1. Calmly - dengan tenang

She calmly explained the situation to her boss.

2. Nervously - dengan gugup

He nervously waited for the exam results.

3. Happily - dengan senang hati

They happily accepted the job offer.

4. Angrily - dengan marah

He angrily slammed the door.

5. Excitedly - dengan penuh semangat

They excitedly planned their vacation.

6. Carefully - dengan hati-hati

She carefully wrapped the fragile vase.

7. Enthusiastically - dengan antusias

He enthusiastically joined the sports club.

8. Gently - dengan lembut

She gently stroked the kitten.

9. Roughly - dengan kasar

He roughly handled the package.

10. Softly - dengan lembut

She softly sang the lullaby.

11. Loudly - dengan keras

He loudly shouted for help.

12. Quietly - dengan diam-diam

She quietly slipped out of the room.

13. Slowly - dengan perlahan

He slowly walked down the street.

14. Quickly - dengan cepat

She quickly finished her homework.

15. Cautiously - dengan hati-hati

He cautiously approached the wild animal.

16. Courageously - dengan keberanian

She courageously stood up for her beliefs.

17. Desperately - dengan putus asa

He desperately searched for a way out.

18. Determinedly - dengan tekad

She determinedly pursued her dream.

19. Eagerly - dengan penuh semangat

He eagerly awaited the results.

20. Fearfully - dengan takut

She fearfully looked around in the dark.

21. Firmly - dengan tegas

He firmly stated his opinion.

22. Kindly - dengan ramah

She kindly offered her assistance.

23. Loudly - dengan keras

He loudly laughed at the joke.

24. Miserably - dengan tidak bahagia

She miserably failed the exam.

25. Numbly - dengan tidak sadar

He numbly watched the movie.

26. Patiently - dengan sabar

She patiently waited for her turn.

27. Politely - dengan sopan

He politely declined the invitation.

28. Quietly - dengan diam-diam

She quietly left the room.

29. Rapidly - dengan cepat

He rapidly ran towards the finish line.

30. Sadly - dengan sedih

She sadly left the party early.

31. Slowly - dengan perlahan

The sun slowly set in the horizon.

32. Smoothly - dengan lancar

The plan went smoothly as expected.

33. Softly - dengan lembut

She softly whispered the secret.

34. Steadily - dengan mantap

He steadily worked towards his goals.

35. Tensely - dengan tegang

She tensely waited for the results.

36. Uneasily - dengan tidak nyaman

He uneasily shifted in his seat.

37. Vigorously - dengan penuh semangat

They vigorously exercised every day.

38. Wearily - dengan lelah

She wearily walked home after a long day.

39. Wonderfully - dengan indah

The scenery looked wonderfully picturesque.

40. Affectionately - dengan penuh kasih sayang

She affectionately hugged her pet dog.

41. Aggressively - dengan agresif

He aggressively confronted the bully.

42. Alarmingly - dengan mengkhawatirkan

The number of COVID-19 cases was alarmingly increasing.

43. Amusingly - dengan lucu

She amusingly told a funny story.

44. Anxiously - dengan cemas

He anxiously waited for his turn.

45. Awkwardly - dengan canggung

She awkwardly danced at the party.

46. Blissfully - dengan penuh kebahagiaan

They blissfully enjoyed their honeymoon.

47. Bitterly - dengan pahit

He bitterly complained about the service.

48. Boldly - dengan berani

She boldly spoke up against injustice.

49. Bravely - dengan berani

He bravely faced the challenges ahead.

50. Brightly - dengan cerah

The sun brightly shone on the beach.

51. Busily - dengan sibuk

They busily prepared for the event.

52. Carelessly - dengan ceroboh

She carelessly spilled the drink on the table.

53. Cheerfully - dengan riang gembira

He cheerfully greeted his friends.

54. Clearly - dengan jelas

She clearly explained the instructions.

55. Comfortably - dengan nyaman

They comfortably rested in the hotel.

56. Confidently - dengan percaya diri

He confidently delivered the presentation.

57. Confusedly - dengan bingung

She confusedly looked at the map.

58. Curiously - dengan penasaran

He curiously explored the new city.

59. Dangerously - dengan berbahaya

The road was dangerously slippery.

60. Darkly - dengan gelap

The room was darkly lit.

61. Delightfully - dengan menyenangkan

The food tasted delightfully delicious.

62. Desolately - dengan sunyi sepi

The old house stood desolately on the hill.

63. Determinedly - dengan tekad

He determinedly pursued his goals.

64. Diligently - dengan tekun

She diligently studied for the exam.

65. Sadly - dengan sedih

She sadly told me the news.