- Jika kamu membutuhkan teman curhat, tetapi tidak ada satupun teman yang layak untuk diajak bercerita, maka salah satu hal yang mampu dilakukan agar curhatan kamu tersalurkan yaitu dengan menuliskan di buku diary.

Diary dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris memiliki arti yang sama yaitu buku harian. Buku harian adalah tempat sebagian besar orang mencurahkan isi hati mereka. Setiap peristiwa atau kejadian penting yang terjadi dalam hidup terkadang dapat dituliskan dalam sebuah buku harian. Tentu saja bukan tanpa alasan tips ini diperlukan, yaitu karena ini sangat membantu dalam mengingat masa lalu yang kamu miliki.

Masa lalu tidak harus dilupakan, begitu pun masa sekarang yang sama pentingnya dengan masa lalu. Jika hari ini dan hari kemarin sudah terlewati maka peristiwa yang terjadi pada hari itu dapat dikenang melalui sebuah diary.

Berikut ini rangkum dari berbagai sumber, tiga contoh diary bahasa Inggris, cocok untuk yang suka curhat, Kamis (6/10).




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foto: Pixabay/Saydung89


Contoh diary bahasa Inggris tentang kehidupan sehari-hari.

Monday, October 3rd, 2022.

Dear diary,

Today I was so happy with somebody. He's the person I've always liked, and it turns out that person likes me back. How surprised!

Dear diary,

Some time ago I thought that it would not happen because he is a quite person, so it was impossible for him to talk to me. But today he spoke to me for the first time.

One again, I want to give you one piece of information about the person I like. He is my office mate. I just knew him since 3 months ago and since then I immediayely fell in love with him. It felt like there were butterflies in my stomach.

Dear diary,

Thank God for everything you have given to me. I am very grateful. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever!


Contoh diary bahasa Inggris tentang pengalaman lucu.

Saturday, May 28th, 2015.

Dear diary,

I've eaten snakefruit seeds. You sure don't think so do you? At that time in the middle of the night, the lights in my house were blackout. At that time, I was eating snakefruit fruit while having a warm conversation with my family.

There was nothing wrong with all of that and then something happened that made my stomach churn. I was excited to tell a story while eating snakefruit, then without realizing that the snakefruit had entered my mouth had not yet been removed and thrown away. Then swallowed by itself, because my focus is storytelling.

A few moments after the bark was swallowed, I seemed to lose my breath, and was silent. I told my parents that I forgot not to throw the seeds of snakefruit in my mouth. Then I was given a drink by my parents, they were worried about me, except for my sister who was laughing at me. After I could breathe properly, I laughed too.

Really a terrible and hilarious experience.

Contoh diary bahasa Inggris tentang rasa kecewa.

Wednesday, December 6th, 2021.

Dear Aria,

Have you ever been let down?
Have you ever felt disappointed?
Have you ever been the one who was always let down?

I'm guessing, definitely never. But, do you feel that you've let me down too many times? I'm not writing this because I'm mad at you, really. The anger never existed, but my disappointment with you is still too great, so I don't think I want to see you again.

Again, I'm not writing this out of anger. I just want you to be able to introspect yourself and don't repeat the same mistakes. It's okay you disappoint me, but don't let you do the same to other people.

It hurts to be let down if you want to know. On some occasions, it may not hurt. But if you've been disappointed 10 times, it's better to just withdraw from friendship.

Now I have found a sincere friend, unlike you. I hope you can look in the mirror so that you won't be disappointed by other people too.

Aria, take good care of yourself, okay? I always think of you as a friend, don't worry. I hope you always healthy. See you in better day and better situation.



Magang: Ricka Milla Suatin