
As we can get everything we need at our fingertips, some popular items that we have depended for decades seems to be useless or unnecessary.

  30 Desember 2015 16:31 - In the last twenty years, technology has been rapidly developed. Consequently, it influences several aspects in life.

As we can get everything we need at our fingertips, some popular items that we have depended for decades seems to be useless or unnecessary. What are those? Here are some popular items that soon will be replaced by digital media as collected by from various sources (30/12).

1. Telephone Landline

5 Popular items replaced by digital media

Nowadays, telephones are not popular anymore because prefer to use their only phone.

2. Vynil Record, CDs and Cassette

5 Popular items replaced by digital media

Vynil records, CDs and cassettes have been disappeared along with the development of digital media, which are available on cell phones and other advance technologies.

3. Television

5 Popular items replaced by digital media

Though many people still use the television in their home, its existence will be replaced by large computer monitors has abilities to connect to the internet, play games, films and music.

4. Newspaper and Magazines

5 Popular items replaced by digital media

Todays, the printed media has been left by many people as they can read news via online. Thats why they no longer subscribe the printed newspaper or magazine.

5. Catalogs

5 Popular items replaced by digital media

With the emergence of E-commerce, many people prefer to shop online. Thus the need for catalogues is going to fade away.