Photo: Instagram @youremahm

Much like a human, he loves to take selfies or at least cuddle GoPros camera.

  26 Januari 2016 10:20 - There are lots of people are addicted to taking selfies by using their smartphone and it becomes something of a normal occurrence. Nonetheless, what happen if a cat loves taking selfies as well? Could it be better than yours?

It probably sounds a little bit bizarre, but a cat named Manny is going to question your norm while simultaneously impressing you. Much like a human, he loves to take selfies or at least cuddle GoPros camera.

Viral! This selfie taken by this cat might be better than yours

According to an Instagram user @youremahm, this kitty started to use the camera unintentionally when it reached out to the camera which was ready to capture a shot. Now, Mannys selfies went viral among the internet users.

Viral! This selfie taken by this cat might be better than yours

Viral! This selfie taken by this cat might be better than yours

@youremahm told Love Meow He is the boss of the dogs, describing a group of pooches in the background of selfies shot by Manny.

Viral! This selfie taken by this cat might be better than yours

@youremahm revealed that he met Manny by chance. At that time, Manny strayed onto the road shortly after @youremahms old cat died. Since then, they always go through days together.

Follow the selfies cat on Instagram@yoremahmfor other cute photos!