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It was a busy Monday both for Police and FPI leaders.

  31 Januari 2017 12:30

West Java Police officially named Islamic Defenders Front Chief Rizieq Shihab a suspect for alleged defamation of state ideology Pancasila and founding father Soekarno.

The announcementwas made after the third hearing that was carried out at the West Java Police Headquarter.

"After seven hours of hearing and examination of witnesses and documentary evidence that we conducted based on the initial case hearing some time ago, (we concluded) that there are sufficient reason to meet the charge of Articles 154A and 320 on defamation of state emblems and deceased persons, " West Java Spokesperson Yusri Yunus said on Monday.

Rizieq was reported to the police by Soekarno's daughter, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, due to his sermon in Gasibu Square, Bandung, West Java in 2011 in which he allegedly said "In Sukarnos Pancasila, God's principle is located in the butt,whereas in the Jakarta Charter, they putGod in the head."

Jakarta Charter was the initial form of Pancasila that put Islamic values as on of the nation's principle. Pancasila, the final form, instead only put the importance of God and not referring to a single faith.

If proven guilty, the FPI leader could face up to five years of jail time. He is also still facing other allegations including defamation of Christianity and insulting the national currency, Rupiah.

Munarman vs. Pecalang

Meanwhile, FPI Spokesman Munarman is facing a quite similar situation.

Munarman was summoned by Bali Police for questioning after reports ofalleged defamation againstpecalang, Balinese traditional security guards.

"Today, the person came to Polda Bali as a witness," told the head spokesperson for the Bali Police, Henky Widjaja at the Bali Police Headquarters, Monday to Liputan6.

Accompanied by 13 lawyers, Munarman was drilled with dozens of questions related to his statement peopleconsider offensive. He said saying that pecalang in Bali attacked homes of Muslim residents and prohibited them from performing their Friday prayers. The statement was made when he came to Kompas on Juni 16, 2016 in Jakarta.

The police reportwas filed by some local mass organizations, including the Sandi Murti Foundation, Bali Nahdlatul Ulama, Ansor Youth Group and Patriot Garuda Nusantara.

During the questiong, a number of protesters were seen rallying in front of the Bali Police Headquarter. They demanded the police to investigate and prosecute Munarman over the alleged defamation.


Up Next: FPI Denies Chief's Affair Scandal Is True