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The epitaph on the tombstone reads: "Made America Hate Again," and is engraved with Trump's birth year of 1946, but leaves his date of death open

  29 Maret 2016 15:20

Brilio.net/en - New York woke up shocked on Easter Sunday to find that a mysterious tombstone had arisen in Central Park and by the way, its not an ordinary tombstone. Its dedicated to the leading candidate for the GOP nomination and New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump.

The epitaph on the tombstone reads: "Made America Hate Again," and is engraved with Trump's birth year of 1946, but leaves his date of death open.

According to Mashable, the would-be tomb was found in Central Park not far from Sheep's Meadow.

Plenty of netizens shared snapshots of Trumps tombstone on social media, but no one seems to know what purpose it aims for, other than being a creative expression of a prankster with a questionable taste.

By evening, the tombstone had been removed by park officials.

Trumps reaction? As usual, he doesnt seem to worry much about anything, as he maintains his intense focus on the presidential race at hand.

Someone placed an actual Trump tombstone in Central Park

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