Your efforts will never betray you.

  22 Agustus 2016 06:20 - Age is just a number and these millennials have proven it. At avery young age, they've achieved what some people chase for their entire lives.

Here arethe talented youngsters we meant, who knows they can make you feel more motivated and go the extra mile.

1. Leonika Sari Nyoto Boedioetomo (22), Founder and CEO of Redblood (blood donor app).

Young CEOs  2016

2. Muhammad ALfatih Timur (24), Cofounder and CEO of KitaBisa (nonprofit foundation, the name means we can.).

Young CEOs  2016

3. Abraham Viktor (23), Cofounder and CEO of Taralite (loan agency).

Young CEOs  2016

4. Maran Nelson (24), Cofounder and CEO of Clara Labs (laboratory to develop a human interface for children).

Young CEOs  2016

5. Ritesh Agarwal (22), Founder and CEO of OYO Rooms (hotel booking site)

Young CEOs  2016

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